Everything seemed all too easy! Problems with Tables Having Memo Fields:-/ Now that I knew this was indeed a FoxPro database and that I could access its contents, I set my focus on analyzing the table structure to find the specific data I needed. Being that my attention span for message and dialog boxes has shrunk to zero, I answered the first two or three, and then just clicked Cancel through the rest. Several prompts came up to indicate a unique identifier. I easily pulled up a table listing and decided to select all the tables to start off. Finding a Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver As I mentioned above, if you’re on Windows 10 and Microsoft Access 2016, chances are good that your machine doesn’t have an ODBC driver for Visual FoxPro installed like earlier versions. Access apparently can’t create a linked table via OLE DB. I could use an OLE DB provider to get to tables with memo fields, but only via Excel or programmatically. Once I found one, I could easily link to all of the tables-except for the ones that included variable-width memo fields. This was harder than I expected because Windows 10 and Access 2016 no longer ship with a Visual FoxPro ODBC driver. I tried replacing the Meiryo font via the Code References tool with the Yu Gothic UI font, but that fails to replace as the expression value turns out to be illegal. Stuff you can and cannot do with the VFP ODBC driver. Install Instructions Important download details: Super User works best with JavaScript enabled. When you configure the ODBC source you give it the path to the data files you want to access with crystal reports or whatever. Many web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9, include a download manager. Microsoft recommends microsoft visual foxpro odbc install a download manager.

Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver Microsoft Docs You would have the opportunity to download individual files on the “Thank you for downloading” page after completing your download. Using OLEDB or ODBC is 'direct' support in my book and could either be done from excel menus or writing a VBA macro. Excel 2016 and older versions (at least back to excel 2007) always had support for reading dbf files. # Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 run on Windows 10. In addition, the following articles about Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 run on Windows 10 and Using the VFP FoxPro ODBC Driver with Your Visual Basic Application for your reference. It should not be necessary to re-register the provider, provided that you have not uninstalled the previous version. Visual Foxpro Odbc Driver Excel 2016 For Mac.› █ Visual Foxpro Obdc Driver Excel 2016 For Mac